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2024 marks the 60th year of Golf being played at the Sconser venue. Isle of Skye GC are proud to be linked to MacLeod & MacCallum Portree and thank them for their generosity
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In a year that the Members of Isle of Skye Golf Club look back on 60 years of golf at Sconser, then many thanks again to Raasay Distillery for their continued support in sponsoring this years event.
Winners for 2024 with a gross score of 91 and 74 respectfully were Jill MacKinnon and Ally Sutherland whilst Andrew Long's net 69 from a gross of 76 saw him join the winning podium.
A full repost will follow in WHFP
Ally Sutherland also picked up the longest drive as did Jill MacKinnon amongst the Ladies, Sandi Beatson achieved nearest the pin and Traigh member Donnie Lie won nearest the pin in the Gents field.
The Club is delighted to continue their relationship with Raasay Distillery and give thanks to Alasdair Day and his team at Raasay for their sponsorship.
Well done to South end duo Chris MacKinnon and Stewart Johnson who won the 2ball better ball event on Saturday 24th August
The Open competition was played out through mixed weather with the early starters seeing the best of the weather. A competition which sees both golfers play out on each hole with handicap adjustments, before the best score derived counts as the team score on each hole.
The event was the last of 3 that marked the ocassion of 60 years of golf at the Sconser venue. The MacLeod & MacCallum (Portree) Trophy courtesy of sponsors M&M attracted 12 teams of two golfers per team.
1st C MacKinnon S Johnston 61
2nd A Young A Fenwick 62
3rd J MacKinnon / D Johnston 62